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Childlike Faith

Childlike Faith

Spring '19 Edition, 1 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5" When at a time in need of change, itching for something new, wishing for my youth, for freedom from routine in a foreign environment -- came across what the Bible says about children and poured it all out on paper. "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

In Omnia Paratus

In Omnia Paratus

Spring '19 Edition, 5 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5" Inspired from Gilmore Girls --"You jump, I jump, Jack."

You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine May '19 Edition, 1 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5" Inspired by my mother, whose favorite flower is the sunflower. She is my sunshine.

Humble Thank You

Humble Thank You

Thank You Spring '19 Edition, 2 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5" Coming from the original one off rarity - an ever so humbly crafted order for a dear friend now digitized & printed. Comes only through mistakes and mishaps. Wishing you and the person you're thanking a beautiful encounter.

Excited Two Hands

Excited Two Hands

Congratulations! Spring 2019 Edition, 4 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5"

Just Loved

Just Loved

May '19 Edition, 4 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25"x4.5" A realization for me at a time when I was struggling with obligations and burdens. You are not controlled, manipulated or forced. Just loved.

Like the Minute Pursues the Hour

Like the Minute Pursues the Hour

Like the Minute Pursues the Hour March '20 Edition, 3 of 3 Printed on 100# Matte Cover 6.25"x4.5" An original illustration from 2016. It’s rad. God's love for me.

Tale As Old As Time

Tale As Old As Time

Tale as Old as Time Printed on 110# Post Consumer Waste Paper 6.25" x 4.5" July 2019 Your beloved duo is here! Finally printed fresh in a classic border. Sing it with me now, "Both a little scared, neither one prepared..." Once upon a time originally inspired by my old roomie & her boo, a powerhouse couple! Any other duos you'd like to see? Love on.

Two Are Better Than One

Two Are Better Than One

One & Two May '19 Edition, 2 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5" "Two are better than one because they have a more satisfying return for their labor; for if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and does not have another to lift him up. Again, if two lie down together, then they keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? And though one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12a

Savior Jesus

Savior Jesus

Savior Jesus Winter '19 Edition, 1 of 2 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5" So proud of these freshly digitized prints of the original drawing from 2016. Let it shimmer. Merry Christmas!



Through It All March '20 Edition, 2 of 3 Printed on 100# Matte Cover 6.25"x4.5" "You are forever in my life. You see me through the seasons" - Hillsong

Price of Love

Price of Love

Price of Love March '20 Edition,1 of 3 Printed on 100# Matte Cover 6.25"x4.5" From an original illustration from 2017. Imagine a heart. Did you know, it started with a man-made mark? A cut into what was perfect and good. It shamed us. Put fear in us. But God turned what we did on its head. Ripped it open to mean love instead. Hurt him so much that He wept and bled. It was so painful to death, but you are so worth it, he said.

Nonchalant Congratulations

Nonchalant Congratulations

Here May '19 Edition, 3 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5" I was so thrilled to hear of my friend's new job oversees, but at the same time so grim as to see her go. So here. Congratulations even still.

You Raise Me Up

You Raise Me Up

You Raise Me Up May '19 Edition, 5 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5" A print to honor the man who raised me. To take on any storm. By the strong foundation that you so instilled in me.

Just Snug In Love

Just Snug In Love

Just Snug In Love Winter '19 Edition, 2 of 2 Printed on 100# Matte Cover 6.25" x 4.5" When you know you're loved. Just snug in love.

Pursue One Another

Pursue One Another

Pursue One Another Spring '19 Edition, 3 of 5 Printed on Natural White Paper 6.25" x 4.5" From an original illustration from 2016. When thinking about marriage -- 'til death do us part.

© 2023 By Henry Cooper. Proudly created with

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